Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Dear Damo

Just sent this to the great man himself, Damien Lovelock. Will keep everyone informed on any correspondence.

Dear Damo,

I know that you are a connoisseur of all things football (unlike that impostor Craig Foster (see what I did their? It rhymes…clever me)). Every Sunday on The World Game you impart on Australia a portion of your football and pop culture knowledge (where else are you going to hear Jack Mundey’s name on TV every week?). It is for this reason that I implore you to draw attention to the glorious school of hard knocks that is Tullamarine Action Indoor Soccer.

Our Indoor Soccer team, the indomitable Green Street Elite, have battled on year after year since 2003 attempting to claim the golden chalice that is a divisional championship. Alas we have reached 3 Grand Finals and lost all 3 (including one when we were 7-2 ahead at half time and lost 8-7). In an attempt to halt this finals hoodoo the team decided at the start of this season to chronicle our (mis) adventures on our very own blogspot along with other football news. It was believed that by increasing our following over the net that we would consequentially increase the pride that comes from wearing the snowy white GSE shirt.

Basically, what we ask from you is your patronage. With you as an honorary figure head for the team there is no doubt that performances will lift, where we will play out of the fear of failing you (to paraphrase Eric Cantona).

So if possible drop me and the boys a line at http://gse-fleshlight.blogspot.com

Yours in Football


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